• 2012/09/12

Racist attacks can’t be tolerated!

A month ago, ended the Games of the 2012 summer Olympiad inLondonfame several Lithuanian fans. One of them, a Lithuanian national P. L. has been sentenced to 11 thousands litas fine for that incited racial hatred, spreading monkeys imitate sounds and showing Nazi gestures.

Meanwhile, on another basketball fan cocky behavior investigation lingered, because the police still can’t find the culprit. The later interested the British media, because during the basketball match betweenLithuaniaandArgentinaoutstretched right arm, such gestures congratulating two blach usher. Outstretched right arm – a Nazi era conventional way of greeting. Both abroad and in Lithuania Nazi Germany‘s crimes supportive behavior is strictly punished.

Although inLithuaniacriminal liability for incitement to racial hatred  is established,  but often the media, society or police do not take attention to this kind of misdemeanor. Fortunately, in Europe these ,,player” receive the law enforcement authorities reaction.

Because of this incident, the Human Rights Monitoring Institute has already applied to the Prosecutor General’s Office. Foundation, as an organization, which is active in the interest of human rights can’t be indifferent to racist attacks, thereby contributed to the Institute’s statement and will actively participate in the investigation process.

Foundation stresses, that so important promptly respond to racist, hateful actions and that perpetrators would be timely identified and brought to justice.

Therefore, every democratic and legal citizen of a country should not remain indifferent to such attacks, and if possible to report such incidents to law enforcement.

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