- 2012/10/24
More representatives of EFHR at “What about Gender?” training courses.

In April this year the European Foundation of Human Rights was encouraging the youth to take part in a training course called “What about Gender?” (More info at: http://www.efhr.eu/2012/04/12/what-about-gender/?lang=en). It is worth mentioning that applying for participation was available to all organizations from all of the EU countries, the SEE countries (Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Moldova, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania) and the EECA (countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia). Our Foundation, as one of the best of the ten applying organizations, is going to be represented by our two trainees – a first year student of International Law at Lancaster University, Kamil Szwarc and a trainee who has joined us recently, Zbigniew Malewski, a Pole born in Vilnius; he has a master’s degree in law from the University of Wrocław.

The training course is organized by “Alinhas?” association as a part of the European Programme “Youth in Action”. Its aim is to present issues concerning equal rights and discrimination in the light of gender. An additional notion that will be covered is the strategy for fighting discrimination for the upcoming years.
All in all, that makes it 3 representatives of the Foundation at the training course (more info at: http://www.efhr.eu/2012/05/15/the-european-foundation-of-human-rights-will-take-part-in-the-what-about-gender-training-course/?lang=en/).
The training will take place in Porto, Portugal, from the 23rd of November to the 2nd of December, this year. The Programme is subsidized from the funds of the European Union.