- 2013/02/01
We encourage you to participate in international training courses in Poland!

Estonian Foundation Noored Ühiskonna Heaks offers trainings entitled ‘CoexEast’, which will take place in March 13 – 20 this year in Bielsko-Biała, Poland.
CoexEst – is an international project with the primary objective to analyse the problems of discrimination and xenophobia in a globalised world. There will be also discussed other topics such as intercultural and interreligious dialogue, democracy, European awareness and citizenship, human rights.
The training is organised to broaden the participants’ knowledge in the areas of the issues mentioned, creation of similar awareness of the mandatory protection of human tights and dignity among different nations.
For the training there will be invited approximately 33 participants from Albania, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Georgia, Kosovo, Lithuania, Romania and Serbia. The training will be conducted in English. Only persons over 18 years old can apply.
The ‘Youth in Action’ will cover 100% of the costs of accommodation, food and activities, and will return 70% of travel costs. The European Foundation of Human Rights will pay the other 30% for their trainees and volunteers who will be accepted for the training.
Application form can be found here:
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2ih0dub4f6e7ly7/6MkR-cKjsT ;
Completed application should be sent to: el.: marco@nyh.ee.
Deadline for applying: 8th February 2013.
More information: http://nyheaks.blogspot.nl/2013/01/nooreduhiskonna-heaks-are-promoting.html.
The project is supported by the European Union.