- 2013/02/06
Anti-Hate Speech Movement Training

The Department of Youth of the Council of Europe would like to invite all young internet activists interested in cases of human rights violations, violence in general, aggression, discrimination and racism to apply for participation in a series of free training courses that are set to take place between February 2013 and March 2014 in Budapest, as well as on-line. Recruitment continues until 7th February 2013.
The aim of this training is the development of the competencies and skills of 30 activists, who then will take action against spreading hate speech in their network and concern themselves with protection of human rights on the internet. With this training, they will also be able to undertake initiatives independently, as well as be active in the Movement for Anti-Hate Speech initiated by the Council of Europe.
Specific Objectives:
The series of training seminars will include the seminar between 6th – 14th 2013, at the European Youth Centre in Budapest, and a number of initiatives, such as: e-learning, aimed at supporting the campaign against hate speech on the internet and conducted by the department of Youth of the Council of Europe.
– Dissemination of knowledge, development of skills and behaviours inevitable for the proper promotion and protection of human rights in the online environment;
– Understanding and analysis of the reasons, manifestations, consequences, and influence of racism and discrimination in the virtual world;
– Showing the way hate speech constitutes a violation of human rights;
– Knowledge of the various forms of actions for human rights online, analysis and evaluation of different methods and tools used for this purpose;
– Motivation of the participants for taking action against hate speech on the internet and equipping them with appropriate tools;
– Supporting the participants in defining their role in the European online campaign against hate speech, as well as in their preparations and taking up of initiatives in this respect;
– Supporting the process of creating the network of young activists and youth organizations within the campaign.
Methodology of Training:
The training method is based on blended learning, the so-called mixed (integrated) method of education, combining the traditional learning methods (direct contact with a teacher) with activities carried out remotely by a computer. The training seminar is based on the principles of non-formal education that is focused on the student and requires a large commitment. Generally speaking, the course will give participants an opportunity to experience, think about and discuss issues dealing with human rights and their violations online, especially in terms of the forms of hate speech, but also with regard to internet activity. The whole course has been prepared in the form of the environment of mutual learning, in which, when a variety of methods are used, the participants can compare their approaches to the subject and the methods of operation. Information provided by experts in this field will enrich the training course and expand the knowledge of the participants both during the stationary seminar and e-learning.
The participants will also take part in other initiatives provided for them in the project, for instance in the national seminars and the development of the educational tools. Their task will be to independently develop at least one project or initiative within the European youth campaign online.
The training session has been designed in such a way that the participants will be able to match their learning to their own needs and to be engaged actively in the development of learning in the group.
The programme will address the following topics:
– Principles of human rights and mechanisms of the protection of them, including the protection of human rights online;
– Racism and discrimination, including their different manifestations on the internet; the history, the forms, and the basis for this phenomena;
– Working with young people when fighting against racism and discrimination: values, practice, and dilemmas;
– Reasons for hate speech, its forms and consequences, different forms of approaching it, the co-operation with people who are a target of these attacks, and the perpetrators of these attacks’;
– Taking action online, regarding digital activism and campaigning online with a focus on the strategy of action and the tools;
– Developing online initiatives to fight hate speech.
Calendar of the training:
20th February 2013 – the beginning of the e-learning stage;
21th March 2013 – the beginning of the European youth campaign for fighting hate speech;
6th – 14th April 2013 – the stationary training seminar at the European Youth Centre in Budapest;
April – December 2013 – learning and campaigning online;
December 2013 – the completion of the course, evaluation and awarding certificates;
January – March 2014 – activities within the campaign, the support measures for the purpose of networking and evaluation of the implementation of activities.
The European campaign provides a few days of online activities throughout a year, during which the training participants, together with other people interested, will be responsible for preparing and carrying out such actions.
The participant’s profile:
The training is open to persons who meet the following criteria:
– They are 18-30 years old, but in certain cases exceptions are possible;
– They are active on the internet (bloggers, social media activists, community managers, moderators, etc.);
– They have experience in mobilizing young people online to take an interest in issues that are important to them, especially those connected with freedom of speech, human rights, the fight against racism and discrimination, campaigning and developing initiatives online;
– They value human rights and are interested in undertaking further actions against racism and discrimination in the online environment;
– They are motivated by actively taking part in every stage of the training;
– They will support campaigning online, and develop and carry out at least one initiative within the campaign;
– The level of their digital competence is at least average;
– They are capable of working independently in English both in speech and writing;
– They are members of the youth organizations and/or informal group of activists, of the internet community.
Submission of applications, the procedure and selection of the participants
Everyone interested is asked to fill in the online application form. This can be found on: http://youthapplications.coe.int/
Deadline for submission:
Applications should be filled in and submitted by 7th February 2013. If the participant has been associated with some organization, a letter of recommendation from the sending organization may be uploaded onto the platform, be sent separately by email, by fax, or by post – this letter is to confirm the organization’s support for the participant and his/her initiatives.
The group of coaches will select 30 people according to the above-mentioned criteria. A back-up list may also be formed. After 15th February 2013, the candidates will be informed as to whether or not their applications have been approved, rejected, or placed on the back-up list.
The financial and practical terms of participation:
Working language
The common language of the training is English. The candidates shall communicate fluently in this language, both in speech and in writing.
Travel expenses
Travel expenses and the cost of visas for all the stationary training seminars accompanying the project shall be repaid after suitable bills having been presented to us, according to the rules of the Council of Europe. Only those participants who take part in the whole course will be offered the reimbursement of expenses.
The amount payable will be sent to an indicated account or transferred in cash (Euros) at the end of each course.
Board and lodging for the duration of the training seminar is paid by the Council of Europe and ensured in the European Youth Centre in Budapest.
Registration fee
Each participant of any training is obliged to pay an entrance fee of 60 Euros. This sum of money shall be deducted from the sum due to repayment for the travel expenses, or reimbursed by ECM during the training.
Contacts and further information
For further information concerning this training please contact us at: eyc.proramme@coe.int.
Translated by: Roksana Kasperek