- 2014/03/13
EFHR taking part in a project in support of Social Cohesion

We are glad to announce that the European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) has qualified for participation in the international one year project for the support of social cohesion „Exercising our Rights!- Developing new tools in support of Social Cohesion”. All the activities and tools developed will be in the scope of such thematic areas as: Social Cohesion, Active Youth Participation, Intercultural dialogue, Conflict resolution, Human Rights, Social Inclusion, Youth Work and NFE, Sustainable development and New media and Internet Governance.
The EFHR employees will take part in a series of workshops in Belgium, Serbia and Spain developed by Youth for Exchange and Understanding (YEU). In the workshop trainers and organizers from 15 European countries (one trainer and one organizer from each participating organization) will participate. The main aim of the project is to build capacities of youth activists working on social cohesion processes in their communities by increasing the level of their skills and knowledge, and empowering them to act as multipliers on different levels (international, national and local). As an outcome the participants will have to implement the new activities and tools in local communities with participation of vulnerable groups. EFHR will organize activities for the local community in Lithuania.
Another purpose of the project is to develop new tools and activities by using non-formal education as methodology in order to support understanding of social cohesion processes, in the creation of a society of equal opportunities, better understanding of different generations of human rights and struggle against discrimination based on personal characteristics.
EFHR often carries out projects which are aimed at various vulnerable social groups, such as national and ethnic minorities etc. Participation in the “Exercising our Rights” project will help the EFHR workers to develop new approaches, tools, activities and actions for future activities.
The local activity, developed as an outcome of the „Exercising our Rights!- Developing new tools in support of Social Cohesion”, project, will be held at the end of August. We will inform you about the upcoming project on the EFHR website.
More information about the project can be found here.