- 2014/09/11
EFHR invites youths to take part in the „Jesteśmy podobni” competition

„Jesteśmy podobni” project (lit. „We are alike”) is addressed to 9-12 graders in Polish and Lithuanian schools. The European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) project, began in the spring of this year, consists of two parts: an art competition for youths and a cycle of integration meetings for students.
„Jesteśmy podobni” project aims at improving the social integration of the Polish national minority in Lithuania, improving the image not only of Poles, but also of Lithuanians and at eradicating negative stereotypes among citizens of both nationalities. It is also an opportunity to present a vision of a tolerant society and to single out the common aspects of the cultural heritage of Poles and Lithuanians.
The competition works (drawings, photos, graphics, essays, clips, installations and so on) can be submitted until 30th September 2014. We want to remind you that the competition works must be done on your own. The works will be displayed at the beginning of October on our website and our Facebook account.
Please send your works until 30th September 2014 to the address:
Europos žmogaus teisių fondas, ul. Liepkalnio103, Vilnius, LT-02121
Or write to email address: konkurs@efhr.eu.
One of the main prizes is a laptop
The winners will be announced on our website on 15th November 2014
We look forward to seeing your works!