- 2015/03/19
European Day of Action Against Racism at M. Romerio University
On 18th of March representatives of Amnesty International (AI), the International Student Association (ISA) of Mykolas Romeris University and the European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) co-organized a conference to honour the European Week of Action Against Racism.
EFHR is happy to announce that the European Day of Action Against Racism at Mykolas Romeris University was a great success. During the conference participants learned about the activities of AI and EFHR in Vilnius. Representatives of these foundations gave an insight into the human rights situation in Lithuania. Moreover we informed the audience that for 4 years we have been organizing cyberspace anti-hate speech campaigns. In addition we spoke about legal cases related to hate speech. The Vice-dean of the Law faculty of MRU, Regina Valutyte, spoke about religious discrimination, which is particularly important in relation to the proposed reinstatement of compulsory military service in Lithuania.
Birute Sabatauskaite, the representative of the Lithuanian Centre for Human Rights, gave a speech about “Racist Hate Crime in Lithuania”. She spoke about the problem of under-reporting crimes committed to the police, especially those related to Roma and African people, and she covered additional issues of the real numbers of the existing registered crimes. The participants of the conference had the possibility to see the newest promotional video of the campaign against racial abuse and hate speech online and in mass media against racism and discrimination prepared by the Lithuanian Centre for Human Rights. See pictures here.
EFHR would like to thank our partner organizations: AI and ISA for their commitment and we are looking forward to further cooperation.
In addition we would like to kindly invite you to the 2nd day of European Action Week Against Racism which is set to take place on Friday, 20th of March, 11a.m. to 2p.m. at Vincas Kudirkos square in Vilnius. EFHR will prepare many interesting activities related to the promotion of diversity such as quizzes and a photo session using specially prepared frames with subtitles like “I am tolerant”, “I look at the man, not his color”, “I do not judge by what I see”. In addition, everyone will have the possibility to join a discussion on human rights in Lithuania and all the participants will be rewarded!