• 2015/08/13

The “Memory, Responsibility, Future” Foundation: invitation to join project

The “Memory, Responsibility, Future” Foundation: invitation to join project

EVZAnother project organised by the German “Memory, Responsibility, Future” Foundation (Foundation EVZ – Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft) called “Watch Out: Discrimination! Projects on exclusion then and now” is about to begin. The EVZ Foundation’s project aims at strengthening the relationship between Germany and other European countries, including Lithuania. The “Watch Out: Discrimination!” programme is aimed at youths who, by participating in this project, will be able to amplify the historical awareness and to broaden their human rights knowledge.

Schools and legitimate associations operating in schools are invited to the “Watch Out: Discrimination!” project which will take place as a part of the Europeans for Peace programme. The participants of the project should be people submitted by a school, aged 12 to 21, from countries of Central, Eastern, or South-Eastern Europe who, through co-operating with other schools or non-school institutions, will get the opportunity to create a project about a particular subject area together.

The participants will have to create a project based on two main assumptions: a reference to history (meaning how people were persecuted and treated inhumanely during World War II) and a presentation of the modern situation concerning human discrimination in different corners of the world.

All of the submitted projects will be judged by a special commission which will choose the best works. The experts will take into consideration such factors as thematic orientation, social message, and activity results.

The international project supported by EVZ will take place between July 2016 and August 2017. We urge everyone interested to send a submission concerning their participation until 1st December 2015. It is important to note that the EVZ Foundation may cover part of the expenses of the project participants, including the costs of materials which are essential to the implementation of the project, travel, and accommodation.

You can find out more about this  subject here: http://www.stiftung-evz.de/ and here: http://www.stiftungevz.de/fileadmin/user_upload/EVZ_Uploads/Handlungsfelder/Handeln_fuer_Menschenrechte/Europeans_for_Peace/20150720_EFP_Information_application.pdf.

We strongly encourage you to participate!



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