- 2015/11/23
“We are similar” project is drawing to an end – come to our gala!

The European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) is delighted to report that the time for submitting artistic works as part of the second edition of the “Jesteśmy podobni” (“We are alike”) project has come to an end. The project aims at improving the social integration of the Polish minority in Lithuania, especially amongst young people, and eradicating negative stereotypes concerning the Polish minority among young Lithuanians.
In order to best prepare young people for the competition, thematic-integration meetings have been held each Friday in the hall of the Runmis Hotel.
It is worth mentioning that young Poles and Lithuanians were brought together to consider aspects of society that are common to both nations. Participants addressed themes like mutual history, culture, art and politics. The coverage of these topics can be found here.
We are pleased to inform you that seven teams have submitted their competition works showing the similarities between Poles and Lithuanians in the framework of the project. Thank you very much!
Submitted works are exhibited here. On the 27th November at 5:30pm a ceremonial gala closing the project is going to take place at Rumnis Hotel (103 Liepkalnio Street, Vilnius. All team members are invited to come with their families and friends. Each participant of the project will be awarded a diploma and prizes. First place winners will receive a tablet and second place winners will get an E-book reader!
Thank you for your participation and the works you have submitted! See you on the 27th November. If you have any questions please contact us by telephone: + 370 691 50 822 or via e-mail: konkurs@efhr.eu.