- 2016/03/31
Europe Day – Poster Competition

Europe Day is an annual celebration of peace and unity in Europe which takes place every year on the 9th of May. Although Europe and the European Union as a whole is facing some serious challenges, we must demonstrate that our common values, such as diversity and respect for human rights, are more important than ever and should not be forgotten!
Europe Day is a great occasion to celebrate these values and send a message of positivity to the world.
The European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) will organize various events for this occasion – and we would like to involve you! We want to encourage as many people as possible to be active and take part in our initiatives.
That’s why we are holding a POSTER COMPETITION!
The goal of the contest is to:
- Celebrate Europe Day;
- Promote European values, particularly our continent’s commitment to human rights, liberty, democracy, equality, tolerance and the rule of law;
- Increase knowledge about Europe and our shared vision and values;
- Promote and increase knowledge about the EU and the rights of its citizens.
The rules are very simple:
- Create a POSTER using the following artistic techniques: pastels, paint, tempera, pens/felt-tips, pencils, crayons, collage, charcoal, photography or graphic design (like Photoshop/other programmes/online tools)
- Topic: Europe, Europe Day, European values, diversity…The only limit is your imagination! (just don’t use somebody else’s work without their permission!)
- Everyone can take part in the competition, no matter the age* or skills!
- All of your designs will be shared on our Facebook page and the EFHR website
- The best and most creative poster will be used (and we will, of course, credit you!) to promote EFHR events organized for Europe Day 2016!
- Awesome prizes for the 3 best poster designs!
1st place – e-book reader;
2nd place – mp4 player;
3rd place – board game;
Each participant will receive Europe-related freebies.
Each participant can only submit one work – and this work should be your own. Remember about copyrights!
Entries must be submitted by Friday 29th April.
The submission of works:
Each entry should have information on the back which includes:
1) The participant’s name,
2) The participant’s age,
3) The name of the school attended by the participant – if applicable,
4) Contact details (email/telephone number – of the participant, parent or school teacher).
You can send your entries by e-mail to: konkursas@efhr.eu, or post it to the EFHR address: VšĮ „Europos žmogaus teisių fondas“, J. Dobkevičiaus str. 6, LT-02189, Vilnius, Lietuva. You can also bring them directly to the foundation headquarters.
Please post us your original work (painting/poster/collage/photograph etc) or, if your work has been created using digital tools (for example, the work is a Photoshop poster) you may email it to us at: konkursas@efhr.eu
We encourage you to take part in the competition and look forward to seeing your works!
The EFHR events to celebrate Europe Day are being organized by EVS volunteers who are taking part in the project ‘Promote diversity, promote human rights’. To find out more about EVS and Erasmus +, click here.
*We reserve the right to alter the terms and conditions of the competition – for example, we (the competition organizers) may deem it fit to introduce age categories depending on the number of entries we receive and the age group of participants.