- 2016/05/11
Europe Day – Poster Competition Results

In order to celebrate and promote Europe Day on the 9th of May, the European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) organized a poster competition. The subject of the works, which were created by using various artistic techniques, was Europe Day, the European Union, European values and diversity. The interest in the competition went above and beyond our expectations – we received 117 fantastic posters!
It has been really difficult, but we have finally chosen the winners! On the basis of the variety of entries we received, we decided to create two age categories:
Under 13 category:
1st place: Gabija Kaulakytė, (aged 11), Kaišiadorių kultūros centras
Link to the poster:https://www.facebook.com/EFHR.EU/photos/a.1334021869958032.1073741840.624045907622302/1334022893291263/?type=3&theater
2nd place: Rūta Butkutė, (aged 10), Vaikų ir jaunimo clubas ”Šatrija”
Link to the poster:https://www.facebook.com/EFHR.EU/photos/a.1334021869958032.1073741840.624045907622302/1334021919958027/?type=3&theater
3rd place: Samanta Rimkutė, (aged 10), Šilalės meno mokykla
Link to the poster:https://www.facebook.com/EFHR.EU/photos/a.1334021869958032.1073741840.624045907622302/1334024026624483/?type=3&theater
Over 13 category:
1st place: Ivona Gilevska, (class 8), Vilniaus Rajono Kyviškių pagrindinė mokykla
Link to the poster:https://www.facebook.com/EFHR.EU/photos/a.1334021869958032.1073741840.624045907622302/1334023276624558/?type=3&theater
2nd place: Česlav Klimovič, (class 7), Vilniaus Rajono Kyviškių pagrindinė mokykla
Link to the poster:https://www.facebook.com/EFHR.EU/photos/a.1334021869958032.1073741840.624045907622302/1334022523291300/?type=3&theater
3rd place:
Raminta Vainilavičiūtė, (aged 17), Kaišiadorių kultūros centras
Link to the poster:https://www.facebook.com/EFHR.EU/photos/a.1334021869958032.1073741840.624045907622302/1334024003291152/?type=3&theater
In view of the large number of great works received, we came to a conclusion to award three additional posters:
Kaja Šaulytė (3 years old), Gediminas Pilelis (4 years old), Patricija Jurgaitė (4 years old), Ūla Girdvainytė (4 years old), Benas Talačka (5 years old), Julius Novicki-Bittner (5 years old)
From pre-school “Šlagėlė Žvėryne I”
Link to poster photo: https://www.facebook.com/EFHR.EU/photos/a.1334021869958032.1073741840.624045907622302/1334024056624480/?type=3&theater
Sabina Aleksendrovič, 16 years old, Vaikų ir jaunimo clubas ”Šatrija”
Link to poster photo: https://www.facebook.com/EFHR.EU/photos/a.1334021869958032.1073741840.624045907622302/1334021903291362/?type=3&theater
Gabriela Pavtel, 7 grade, Vilniaus Rajono Kyviškių pagrindinė mokykla
Link to poster photo: https://www.facebook.com/EFHR.EU/photos/a.1334021869958032.1073741840.624045907622302/1334022943291258/?type=3&theatre
We would like to congratulate everyone who took part in our competition. Winners and teachers will be contacted via e-mail.
EFHR would like to warmly thank all those who submitted their works as well as teachers who encouraged their students to participate, and supported them throughout the competition.
All of the posters are of a very high standard and we can honestly say that choosing the winners of the competition was a very challenging task. We would like to thank the Information Centre of the European Commission Representative in Warsaw and the Council of Europe, for supporting our competition with Europe-themed freebies, that were given to all the participants.