- 2016/09/05
Volunteering work by Arnoldas Ignatčikas
Arnoldas Ignatčikas is an European Studies student at the Kaunas University of Technology. He is twenty one years old and has academic experience locally as well as internationally. He studied at RheinAhrCampus, Honschule Koblenz (University of Applied Sciences) in Remagen, Germany for one year. It was the most outstanding time in his young life. Studying in a totally different geographical and academic environmental broadened his view and made him more flexible. It allowed him also to communicate with people who have different cultural backgrounds.
Moreover, Arnoldas participated in the project „Building Bridge Remagen“ while being an exchange student in Germany. The most important goals of this project were to simplify the integration process of refugees while providing the basic language, law, IT help for them. In addition, Arnoldas feels a strong passion for traveling, getting to know new people, reading books, visiting museums and going to theatre.
When Arnoldas found out about the European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR),he thought that it would be a great idea to apply for a traineeship in order to get experience directly related with his selected courses at university.
Arnoldas Ignatčikas was surprised about the EFHR’s achievement in the last few years. He supports the idea of the organisation to protect human rights and especially the rights of ethnic minority groups. Moreover, he was pretty amazed about the free legal assistance for people who suffered from discrimination or other difficulties related with human rights.
Our new colleague expects that the time spent in the EFHR will improve his general knowledge of human rights, the litigation process related to it and that he will be able to contribute to solving problems of human rights affected persons in Lithuania.