- 2016/11/29
International Human Rights Day – new artistic competition for pupils

In celebration of the International Human Rights Day on the 10th of December, the European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) would like to announce a creative art competition for 5th to 8th grade pupils and for 9th to 12th grade pupils.
The topic of the competition for pupils from 5th until 8th grade is “We are all different, but we are all equal”, for pupils from 9th until 12th grade the topic is “Stand up for someone’s rights”.
Based on these topics, the pupils are asked to use their imagination and become creative by creating an artwork. So artworks could consist of ideas on a facilitation of equal rights in the everyday live or show artistic examples of how you can stand up for someone’s rights. The topics are open for any interpretation and the artwork can be of any material.
Remember – your only limitation is your own imagination!
Each participant can only submit one work – and this work should be your own, collaborative submissions will not be accepted!
The submission of works:
Each entry should have information on the back which includes:
- The participant’s name and surname
- The participant’s age and grade
- The name of the school attended by the participant
- Contact details (email/telephone-number/Facebook-name – of the participant, parent or school teacher).
Entries must be submitted by 12th December 2016.
The artworks will be photographed by the EFHR and posted on the Facebook Page. Everyone can like the artworks posted there, the artwork with the most likes will receive a special price.
Pupils can submit their works by sending them to the EFHR by mail (konkursas@efhr.eu), post or by directly bringing them to the foundation headquarters: VšĮ Europos žmogaus teisių fondas, J. Dobkevičiaus g. 6, Vilnius LT-02189
The awards for the best works are:
1st place: 2 tickets for the Aqua Park
2nd place: 2 tickets for 5D Cinema
3rd place: A board game
Announcement of the winners:
The works will be evaluated by the EFHR and the winners will be announced on the Facebook Page of the EFHR on the 20th of December
We encourage you to take part in the competition and look forward to seeing your works!