- 2017/05/23
EFHR on the meeting with representatives of Facebook and Google

On the 23rd of May representatives of EFHR Leszek Jankowski and Ewelina Baliko took part in organized discussion by the Ministry of Justice, between representatives of media, IT, national institutions and representatives of society about stopping hate speech on social media.
The meeting raised the subject of prevention, effectiveness, troubles caused because of content that push for hatred, needs of society in active informing on hate speech cases and about close cooperation between state institutions and NGO to fight hate speech.
Attendants sadly confirmed that criminal responsibility for hate speech against people of different race, ethnicity and nationality or beliefs is not always effective, that is why there is need for administrative liability for spreading hate speech.
In 2016 EFHR filed 38 applications to Prosecutor’s Office. In 2015, the most of hateful comments considered national minorities, while in 2016 – refugees and immigrants. From the beginning of EFHR activity, 590 applications considering discrimination and hate speech have been filed, out of which 50 cases are already won.
EFHR wants to thank the Ministry of Justice for invitation to the discussion. EFHR regularly organizes trainings considering hate speech. Everyone interested in free trainings conducted by EFHR is invited to contact us (mokymai@efhr.eu) or (+370 691 50 822).