- 2017/06/12
EFHR in discussion on equality – how is it promoted by market titans?

On the 12th of June a discussion took place in Seimas ‘Companies promote equality and why should it be implemented’ in which participated the representative of EFHR Agnieszka Malinauskaite as well as representatives of various companies.
The conference began with speech of deputy Aušrinė Armonaitė, the chairman of temporary council of women, Agneta Skardžiuvienė, Spokesman of equal opportunities and Donatas Paulauskas, lecturer of the gender studies in Vilnius University.
Representatives of the companies introduced their ideas on how to promote women’s participation in their companies: dynamic work conditions for working mothers, possibility of paid or unpaid leave days, because of kid’s illness. Same salary for the same amount of work. Representative of ‘Telia’ considers making a room for kids and representative of ‘Nasdaq’ said that participation of women in his company is 51%.
Participants of the discussion agreed that there is lack of initiative for part of the Ministry of Education and Science, because the need for educating on gender should be thought already at schools. The stereotypes like exact sciences are not meant for women and humanities are not meant for men.
EFHR wants to thank for invitation and hopes that ideas introduced in discussion inspire other companies to promote equal rights regarding all employees.