- 2017/07/24
Human rights contest: winners revealed!

The Facebook contest organized by the European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) is closed!
On 17 July of the current year the EFHR encouraged to take part in the contest and answer test questions. The test was devoted to human rights.
It was really worth to compete in because prizes were nice! Everyone could take the test up until the 21 July. Each participant could only answer the questions once. Every correct answer: 1 point. Altogether, a person could gain 10 points.
The contest was welcomed with great interest. EFHR team is pleasantly surprised to see such a high knowledge level of participants. 8 people gained the maximum number of points, so winners were chosen taking into account the test completion time.
We are pleased to inform that we have the winners. The first place went to Elena Daukšaitė, Violeta Tymul took the second place, and Marija Karpovič – the third one.
Congratulations to the winners!
We will notify the winners in person. The prizes are waiting for the winners at EFHR office: 6 J. Dobkevičiaus St., LT-02189 Vilnius, Lithuania.
The EFHR team would like to thank all of the participants.