- 2017/11/13
EFHR’s last training this year about “Human rights in practice”

Our training course “Human rights in practice” took place on the 11th of November 2017. It is the second meeting of the training course about International Law and it was hosted at the House of Polish Culture in Vilnius. The training was held in both English and Lithuanian.
The training began with a presentation about European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) presented by Chiara Antonucci, our volunteer from Italy. There was also a short presentation about “Minority SafePack”, which is the new European initiative in Lithuania that is run by EFHR.
Details can be found at: http://www.minority-safepack.eu/ .
Mrs Elžbieta Kuzborska, Senior Minorities Fellow at the office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva introduced the topic of Human Rights in practice, and analysed some recent case-laws of both national and international courts.
The associate professor of the University of Mykolas Romeris, Mrs Katažyna Mikša, discussed the Principle of non-discrimination in Lithuanian practice in the courts in according with international standards.
The training was interesting and useful according to the participants to the course and was highly informative of the topics discussed.
The participants, students in particular, were very enthusiastic about the discussed topics, especially about law practice examples.
In the past, EFHR has organized a number of training courses, during which specialists in the area of international law have shared their experiences and observations with participants. More information about our past courses can be found here.