- 2017/11/30
A lecture on human rights for prisoners of the Prisons in Prawieniszki

On November 29 this year lawyer of the European Foundation for Human Rights (EFHR) Leszek Jankowski and the intern of the Foundation Kamila Kocowska had the opportunity to conduct a lecture at the Prison in Prawieniszki on human rights.
At the beginning the lawyer of the Foundation presented the activities of EFHR – free legal assistance in the field of discrimination and human rights violations, making up-to-date reports on the observance of human rights, searching for comments about hateful content.
After a short presentation about the Foundation’s activities, the lawyer presented the definitions of civil, political, economic and social rights, introduced the students to the Code of Penal Procedure of the Republic of Lithuania and gave possible examples of violations of the rights of sentenced prisoners and where the convict can turn. Finally, he generally presented the concept of discrimination and cited the most important examples.
The students were very interested in the topic of the lecture, because not all convicts have a chance to get to know their rights.
EFHR would like to thank the administration of the Prison in Prawieniszki for the invitation. All interested in EFHR conducting free trainings at the workplace or in an educational facility, please contact us by e-mail (mokymai@efhr.eu) or by phone (+370 691 50 822).