- 2018/10/04
EFHR invites to debate “There is no place for racism in football”

The European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) is organizing a debate on ” There is no place for racism in football “, which will take place on October 11 in Vilnius Youth Information Center. This discussion is part of the worldwide „Fare Network“ Action Week activities, which aims to stop discrimination and racism in football and to increase the level of tolerance for this sport of players, professionals, amateurs and spectators.
Find out more about the campaign at http://farenet.org/campaigns/footballpeople-action-weeks/. During the discussion EFHR trainee Veronika Lisauskaitė and Foundation’s lawyer Leszek Jankowski will present EFHR’s experience while combating discrimination, moreover, practice of European Court of Justice case law in the fight against racism and discrimination in football will be presented as well. The representative of the Office of Equal Opportunities Vytis Muliuolis, who is the Head of Law Department, will tell more about the Office of the Equal Opportunities practice about fighting against discrimination and racism, in addition, Agnė Žiūkaitė, a player of the „SK Pressas“ of Sunday Football League (SFL) team, will share insights on the subject of the “Limits of Tolerance in Football”.
Soon the final list of speakers will be uploaded. During the discussion, we will share experiences, good practices, useful information on combating racism and other forms of discrimination. The most active players will win symbolic prizes.
The discussion will be held this on October 11, 18:30 – 20:00, Vilnius Youth Information Center, Konstitucijos pr. 3 in Vilnius. Free entry.