• 2022/03/03

The Battle Over Education Continues

The Battle Over Education Continues

Public information has recently been notified about unsuccessful talks between the administration of the Trakai District Municipality and the Andrzej Stelmachowski Primary School in Senieji Trakai. The local government wants to transform the school into a branch of another institution, to reorganize the unit. Unfortunately, this is not the only such situation. Longin Komołowski Middle School in Połuknia is a similar case. The schools are important centers for the Polish minority in the region; they have a long tradition and are an important cultural center for the local population. The community is very keen for the schools to survive and continue their activities.

In this regard, the European Foundation of Human Rights, on February 28, 2022, sent a letter to the Director of the Administration of the Trakai District Municipality, Jolanta Abucevičienė, and the Polish and Lithuanian parties (PM of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki, Minister of Justice of Poland Zbigniew Ziobro, Minister of Education and Science of Poland Przemysław Czarnek, PM of the Republic of Lithuania Ingrida Šimonytė, Minister of Justice of Lithuania Ewelina Dobrowolska, Minister of Education, Science and Sports of Lithuania Jurgita Šiugždinienė) in which it expresses concern about the plans to reorganize these institutions. Thus, we would like to draw your attention to the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, “On the Approval of the Rules of the Establishment of the Network of Schools Implementing Formal Education Curricula,” which confirms the right to teach the basic curriculum in the language of national minorities, even if the number of students in a class does not exceed 8 (read more: Minority Schools at Risk – EUROPEAN FOUNDATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS (efhr.eu)).

In this situation, where both institutions meet the requirements of Resolution, and moreover, the local communities do not support the planned actions, the question arises not only about the correctness of the planned decision of the local government of the Trakai District, but also about its legality. We emphasized it at the meeting of representatives of the school community with the local government.

We want to remind that the Republic of Lithuania has ratified the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorites, which has been in force since July 1, 2000. When deciding on closing and merging schools of national minorities, the rights included in the Framework Convention should be the primary concern, and close consultation with teachers, parents, and children from these schools should be ensured.

  • The Convention requires parties to refrain from any act or practice aimed at assimilating persons belonging to national minorities against their will (Article 5(2)) and;
  • Recognizes the right of national minorities to learn their language or to be taught in their language (Article 14).

In the opinion of the EFHR, the actions of the Trakai District Municipality will result in a violation of the Convention.

EFHR hopes that the administration of the Trakai District will consider the consequences of the planned actions and will make a decision that will be in accordance not only with the legal acts and international obligations of the Republic of Lithuania but also with the needs and demands of the community of Andrzej Stelmachowski’s Primary School in Senieji Trakai and Longin Komołowski’s Middle School in Połuknia.


/Translated by Karolina Glaubitt within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights/

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