- 2012/12/05
The Ministry of Culture announces a contest – “For Ethnic Tolerance”

The Ministry of Culture continues the tradition initiated in 2007 which is about rewarding people who contributed the most to the promotion of ethnic tolerance in mass media. The aim of the contest is to instil tolerance towards national minorities as well as sensitivity to racial and national discrimination in the members of the community.
General rulings of the contest:
- The author’s work should be published in press, in the radio, in electronic Lithuanian or international media.
- Competition entries should be published from 1st January to 31st October 2013.
- Nomination applications will be accepted from 15th December 2012.
- Every contestant can give one recording of a radio programme for three articles.
- If an article is not published in the state language, the material should be submitted in the original version as well as in a literal translation to the Lithuanian language.
- If a radio programme or television programme is not translated to the state language, a translated version should be submitted as well.
- A written consent to publication of the author’s work in the competition is required.
General rulings of the contest as well as the questionnaire for candidates you can find here: http://www.lrkm.lt/index.php?3061082506
All those who are interested in the contest are welcome to call the National Minorities Department for any further information. Please call 219 34 78; 219 34 09 or 219 34 03.
The European Foundation of Human Rights supports initiatives of the Ministry of Culture and it is glad that such contests are organized. We encourage all to take part in the contest. Wish you all the best!
Tłumaczenie Marta Dubiel w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Marta Dubiel within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.