- 2012/12/20
4th Summer Academy: Democracy at School – Call for participants!

4th Summer Academy: Democracy at School
Residential seminar: 6-14 July 2013, Sulejówek/Warsaw, Poland
Deadline to apply: 18 January 2013
A short overview – What is the Summer Academy: Democracy at School?
The EWC is calling for participants for the 4th Summer Academy: Democracy at School, which will take place 6-14 July 2013 in Poland. The Summer Academy offers a regional training to education professionals and local community actors from Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region.
The Academy will strengthen the capacities of participants to implement and promote the principles and practices of human rights and citizenship education in schools and local communities. Based on a whole school approach to EDC/ HRE, it addresses issues such as democratic school governance, teaching and learning activities, classroom climate and partnership with the local community.
The training aims to initiate and strengthen cooperation between the participating countries by facilitating exchange of experiences and good practices.
Council of Europe Key Manuals:
- Democratic School Governance
- How all teachers can support EDC and HRE
- Compass
The Summer Academy is composed of the following phases:
- Online preparatory phase: April to June 2013
- Residential seminar: 6-14 July 2013
- Online follow-up phase and implementation of local projects: September 2013 to April 2014
During the training, participants will develop a local EDC/ HRE project adressing specific challenges faced in their school and/ or local community. They are expected to be implemented during the school year 2013/2014.
The regional training is jointly organized by the Council of Europe (CoE), Polish Ministry of National Education (MEN), Centre for Education Development, Poland (ORE) and The European Wergeland Centre (EWC).
Who can apply?
Teams of three; two representatives from the same school, including the school head and a teacher, together with a representative of 1) a parents’ association or 2) a local NGO that cooperates with the school/ plans to do so or 3) an in-service teacher training institution supporting the school.
Participants from the following countries: Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia (the Eastern Partnership Programme), Poland, Russia
Working languages? ENGLISH, RUSSIAN, with simultaneous translation.
How to apply?
Fill out the team application form in English or Russian and send it back to the contacts listed in the form by 18 January 2013.
Please read the general description and the application form for more information.
The Summer Academy: Democracy at School is based on the EWC Training Model
Do you have any questions and/ or need further information?
Please contact Ms. Caroline Gebara: c.gebara@theewc.org
Fill a team application form in English (http://www.theewc.org/uploads/content/Application_Form_2013_EN_final_1.doc) or in Russian (http://www.theewc.org/uploads/content/Application_Form2_2013_RU_final.doc) and send contacts listed in the application until January 18 2013. For more information, please read the general description of the http://www.theewc.org/uploads/content/General%20description_2013_EN_final.pdf ) and application form (http://www.theewc.org/uploads/content/Application_Form_2013_EN_final.doc).
Summer Academy: Democracy at school is based on the EWC training model http://www.theewc.org/uploads/content/EWC%20Training%20Model.pdf ).
For further information please contact:
Caroline Gebara: c.gebara@theewc.org