- 2012/12/28
How to change your name—step-by-step instruction

A person who would like to exercise his/her right to change a name should file an application to the local Civil Registry Office (Civilinės metrikacijos skyrius). The complete list of the Offices can be found at: https://mepis.vrm.lt/web/mepis/kontaktai.
A written application for a name change can also be submitted via the internet, through the MEPIS system (https://mepis.vrm.lt).
The following documents should be attached to the filled in application form (www.efhr.eu/application):
- An ID (does not concern the minors since they are not entitled to possess such document);
- The documents that justify filing the application. Suggestions of EFHR:
- Final judgment delivered in 2007 by the European Court of Human Rights (www.efhr.eu/judgment ) on the case Johansson v. Finland (Application no. 10163/02) that states as follows: provided that the name is registered in the Population Registration and it has been contended that it has no negative consequences for the preservation of the cultural and linguistic identity, there are no grounds for refusing the name’s registration.
- A note from the General Registry Office asserting the existence of registered non-Lithuanian names (http://www.efhr.eu/listLT and http://www.efhr.eu/listEN)
In addition, one is required to prove that his/her ancestors also used this name by enclosing appropriate documents (birth, marriage or death certificates). If one fails to obtain such documents, he/she shall submit a written notice informing of this fact.
The fee for the name change amounts to 42 litas and is payable after a favorable consideration of the case. The application is to be examined within 2 months from the filing date.
If the case is favorably considered, the Registry Office issues a certificate of the name change and the copy of the amended entry into the registry. The certificate provides a sufficient evidence of the name and surname’s change. Therefore, given institutions have an obligation to avoid any inconvenience caused by receiving inheritance, visiting the bank or in one’s personal life.
European Foundation of Human Rights encourages using a possibility of changing already registered names whose spelling includes non-Lithuanian letters, letter combinations and double letters. In case of a negative consideration of the application, EFHR offers free legal advice and help with suing the Civil Registry Office.
The Foundation reminds of asking about the confirmation that the application was lodged. Moreover, it is advisable to file the copies, not originals, of the documents, such as pre-war birth certificates. For more information on the rights, go to: (http://www.efhr.eu/download/ulotki/Centrum_Pomocy_Prawnej.pdf).
EFHR offers free legal advice on this matter. Contact: : imie@efhr.eu or +37069150822. More information can be found on the foundation’s website: www.efhr.eu.
Below you can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Tłumaczenie Karolina Jasińska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Karolina Jasińska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.