- 2013/04/16
Promote the activities of EFHR!
As every year, until 2nd May everyone can give the 2% of their income to our Foundation. Thanks to your support we will be able to continue our actions for respecting the human rights and national minorities in Lithuania. EFHR priorities in 2013 is assuring the adoption of the necessary laws aimed at ensuring the rights of national minorities, as well as further education of the society with respect for protection for human rights.
We have been taking actions only until 2010, and we have already been successful (www.efhr.eu).
This is all because of the help of such people as you!
Działamy dopiero od 2010 roku, a już udało nam się osiągnąć bardzo dużo (www.efhr.eu). Your contribution in 2013 will enable us to do even more. If you support the ideas and activities of EFHR, we will be grateful for supporting them.
What are the ways of doing so:
– Go to https://deklaravimas.vmi.lt/ and log into your bank account, or by using the electronic signature;
– Find the bookmark „VMI Deklaracijos“ and choose the option „Prisijungti prie EDS”;
– Then choose the option „Paramos skyrimas“;
– Fill in the FR0512 v.2 form. You can do it directly on the website, send and fill in on your computer, or print and complete manually.
The filled form you should pass to VMI:
– When filling on the website – confirm;
– When filling a document downloaded on your computer – enclose on the VMI website;
– When filling manually – deliver to the branch of VMI.
Translated by: Roksana Kasperek