- 2013/09/03
Free trainings for teachers of social studies!
We would like to invite teachers from the Polish schools to take part in implementation of the innovative educational project called “Europeans, Poles, Citizens”. The aim of the project is to implement the new curriculum of teaching social studies that would shape the attitude of citizenship among the youth in Lithuania.
In 2012, with the help of, among others, the teachers from the Polish schools in Lithuania, the European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR), in cooperation with the Modern Pole Foundation, was able to pass the new social studies textbook to the Polish schools in Lithuania. They have been addressed to the youths in grades 10-11 and designed to provide the students with the minimum knowledge necessary to orient in the political and social problems of contemporary democracy and the forms of social engagement.
The current project, as being a continuation of the former one from 2012, is to enable the teaching of social studies in Polish, by means of the Radio “From Over Neris” broadcasts, and the series of newspaper articles in Vilnius Courier and the Vilnius Region Weekly.
The classes are going to end with an exam via Internet, after which the participants will be given the certificate of course completion.
Within the project there have been trainings among the history and social studies teachers from the Polish schools in Lithuania organized.
The trainings will take place in the EFHR headquarter, Liepkalnio Street 103, Vilnius:
6th September – from 14:00
7th September – from 10:00
13th September – from 14:00
14th September – from 10:00.
Participating in the trainings is free of charge (it includes also refreshments). For the teacher engaged in the project (for instance, assessment of the students’ work, conducting radio broadcasts, writing articles for the press) would be provided also a financial gratification!
If interested, please contact us on +37067137765, or via email adres szkolenia@efhr.eu.
The project is co-financed from the funds received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within the competition for completing the task “Cooperation with Polonia and Poles abroad.”
Translated by: Roksana Kasperek