• 2013/11/06

European Civic Initiative „F2020” has ended

European Civic Initiative „F2020” has ended

20121029PHT03306_originalOn the 1st of November European Civic Initiative FRATERNITE2020 (F2020 )has ended. The aim of the initiative was mainly rationalization of European exchange programmes – the kind of Erasmus or European Voluntary Service (EVS) – as to contribute to bigger unification of Europe, based on citizens’ solidarity.

During the whole year citizens of all European Union’s countries were ought to collect 1 million signings supporting F2020.

European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) was the only organization from Lithuania, which took charge over the sponsorship of F2020 and showed support to the initiative.

EFHR carried out many promoting actions for F2020. Leaflets encouraging to show support to the initiative and letters promoting F2020 were sent to all Lithuanian universities. Cooperating with students’ councils in Lithuania, EFHR organized trips to many schools and universities. EFHR collected signings on the University of Vilnius, the University of Michał Romer, branch of the University of Białystok and College of Social Sciences.

Thanks to Foundation’s efforts, it was a success to collect 1502 votes, which is 16,69% of generally required number of signings. It is very good result for Lithuania, which was fourth in the general ranking, behind Spain (22,5), Finland (21,74), Germany (20,7). Lithuania was ahead of such big countries like France (9,03%), Italy (11,17%), Poland (11,95%), Great Britain (4,08%) and Ireland (5,33%).

We want to thank warmly to the media, universities’ management and students’ councils for help in collecting signings.

Especially: the Vilnius Courier, the Radio From Wilia (Radio Znad Wilii), the PLAY Radio, Run MiS Hotel, The Association of Tolerant Youth (Tolerantiško jaunimo asociacija), The Institute of the matters of analysis and political research, www.15min.lt  and management and students’ councils of: the University of Vilnius, (Vilniaus Universitetas) the University of Michał Romer (Mykolo Romerio Universitetas),  Klaipeda University (Klaipėdos Universitetas), Vilnius Technical University of Giedymin (Vilniaus Gedimino Technikos Universitetas), branch of the University of Białystok, the University of Witold the Great (Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas), Szawle University (Šiaulių Universitetas).

EFHR is extremely glad of this result and wants to thank again to everyone, who supported the initiative and signed the petition on the website. We are very glad to see social activity of young Lithuanians, and invite to take part in next projects!


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