- 2014/05/31
EFHR has became a member of ENAR
The European Foundation of Human Rights is pleased to inform you that its request to become a member of ENAR (European Network Against Racism) has been approved. ENAR is the European anti-racist network that advocates for racial equality as well as facilitating cooperation between civil society.
The organization was founded in 1998. Its mission was to cause changes in Europe and to make progress in gaining racial equality in every member state. Since then, ENAR has grown stronger and achieved a great deal. Equality, solidarity and prosperity for every European citizen are ENAR’s main aims. Every day in the EU, ethnic or religious minorities are victims and that is the reason why ENAR works to improve the legislation not only at the EU level, but also at the national one.
EFHR is the fourth Lithuanian member of ENAR. The other Lithuanian organizations are: Roma Community Centre (Romų visuomenės centras), Centre for Equality Advancement (Lygių galimybių plėtros centras) and Lithuanian Centre for Human Rights (Lietuvos žmogaus teisių centras).
EFHR is glad to be a member of ENAR and hopes that the partnership will be extremely productive and will open opportunities for development and the exchange of experiences.