- 2014/07/29
EFHR launches a new project with Erasmus +

The European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) would like to announce that the project “Youth for Human Rights”, submitted by the Foundation as part of the promotional campaign “Youth mobility” in the programme Erasmus +, has been accepted.
The competition was tough, because the contest was entered by 116 organizations operating in Lithuania. EFHR managed to be among the 59 organizations that have gone through a gruelling process of selection. This is undoubtedly a huge success for the Foundation. As a result, since September this year as a part of the project, EFHR will host two volunteers from Europe for a period of 10 months.
The aim of the project “Youth for Human Rights” is for the participants to acquire specific skills such as the development of organizational skills, development of planning, ability to search for information, writing, conducting surveys and studies. A major advantage of the programme is also the improvement of foreign language skills and ability to work in a multicultural team and an increase of motivation to engage in future activities and social projects. In addition, people who take part in the project will be able to increase their knowledge in the field of national and international law, including issues related to human rights.
Anyone who has the time and desire, who likes to meet new, interesting people and obtain new knowledge, can be a volunteer. Just ask the EFHR via the e-mail address evs@efhr.eu and we will help you find the host organization (http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/hei_en.cfm) and together with partners we will help you to fill out the application. EFHR is a member of the EVS program since December 2013.
If you want to better understand the world around you, the problems of its people and gain new skills and experience, do not hesitate to work with the Foundation, and we will help you in the completion of formalities related to volunteering.
The costs associated with volunteering, such as accommodation, food, travel (90%), pocket money and language training are covered by the EVS.
We are eagerly waiting for your applications!