- 2014/08/07
EFHR seeking parents of kindergarten-aged children

For quite a long time, the European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) has been monitoring the system of children’s admittance to the kindergartens located within the Vilnius City’s local government. We are looking for parents who have tried to have their child admitted to a national minority (Polish or Russian) kindergarten group between 2012 and 2014 but:
a) child has not been admitted to the nearest facility and had to cover long distances in order to get to the kindergarten
b) has not been admitted due to a lack of available spaces
c) since the nearest kindergarten did not provide for ethnic minorities’ groups, the parents had to have their child admitted to the Lithuanian group within their geographical district. Nevertheless, they would willingly see their child in a national minority group kindergarten in their own district provided such a kindergarten was established there.
All parents who have either encountered a similar situation, or are willing to share their experience connected with the admittance procedure are welcome to contact us either via phone number: +(370) 691 50 822 or via our e-mail address: info@efhr.eu