- 2015/02/13
Nationality in passport entry – step by step

In accordance with the changes in Lithuanian passport law on January 1st 2015 there is a possibility to record one’s nationality in a passport. We have already written about this issue before – here and here. The media have recently been reporting on difficulties related to the procedure of entry itself. Therefore we have decided to clarify the proceedings.
EFHR illustrates step-by-step instructions:
- Every person interested in adding an entry referring to nationality in a passport must, first of all, check, whether they have an entry about their nationality in the database of The Residents’ Registry Service (Gyventojų registro tarnyba). Such information can be obtained by contacting the office (A. Vivulskio g. 4A) directly, calling for information from the office on 852507888 or via the platform Elektroniniai valdžios vartai. Once a year this data can be obtained from the registry office free of charge.
- In the case of a person whose nationality is in the registry one can turn directly to the migration service (the list of institutions) and submit a request for a passport change. It is worth emphasizing that valid passports can also be changed. The lowest charge for changes to a passport is 43 Euros.
- However, if there is no nationality entry in the registry, you should check your birth certificate (gimimo liudijimas). If your nationality appears on your birth certificate, you should turn to the Residents’ Registry Office with an application for implementation of this data into the system. After that, you should proceed in accordance with the information in point 2.
- In a situation where there is no entry about nationality on your birth certificate, but there is information about your parents, you should go to a registry office (Civilinė metrikacija) (list of offices). You should make a request there for adding your nationality to your birth certificate. Making changes to a birth certificate costs 4,9 euros. The birth certificate will be changed within three weeks. The data to the Residents’ Registry will be sent automatically. Then you only need to follow the instructions as expressed in step 2.