- 2016/03/23
Invitation to submit abstracts to CELA

The European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) would like to inform you about an upcoming conference, organized by the Civic Education Lecturers Association (CELA).
CELA is calling for the submission of abstracts for the Second International Conference on the State of Civic Education in Post-Soviet Countries: from Formal to Informal Practices.
The main aim of the conference, which will be held on May 20-21 in Tbilisi, Georgia, is to invite educators, researchers, policy-makers, practitioners, and other interested individuals to explore theoretical frameworks related to civic education, educational policies, conceptualization of the notion of citizenship and civic values in the context of regime transformation and democratic development following the break-up of the Soviet Union.
The main themes include Minorities: integration or segmentation, Civic education: policy-making and policy implementation and Civic culture, consciousness, identity; their transformation and trajectories.
Selected papers will be published as part of the conference proceedings. The working languages of the conference and accompanying panel discussions will be English, Russian and Georgian.
We at EFHR encourage interested parties – especially educators, researchers and Doctoral Students – to consider applying to be a part of this event. CELA are particularly interested to receive submissions from Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
In order to be considered as a participant, please submit your CV and abstract (250 – 300 words) in MS Word (.doc) format by April 15 2016 to the following email: info@cela.ge.
The e-mail subject line should read: “2016 CELA Conference.” Submissions may be in the following languages: Russian, English, and Georgian.
To find more details or to submit an abstract visit the CELA website here. For more information, please contact CELA at info@cela.ge
The deadline to submit proposals is 15 April 2016. The CELA committee in charge of reviewing the submissions will notify authors with the final decisions by April 25, 2016.