- 2016/04/01
Human rights in business — the challenges and good practice

On 31 March 2016 The European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) shared the knowledge and practical examples from the field of human rights in business with the members of Lithuanian Responsible Business Association (LAVA, Lietuvos atsakingo verslo asociacija). The training was carried out by the assistant attorney Evelina Baliko, a representative of EFHR.
Speech titled ”Protection of human rights in the business: what is important and why? How business contributes to the protection of human rights. Problems in Lithuania and the greatest challenges” familiarized participants with legal regulations, most frequent violations of private life, and examples of discrimination. Also the flyers for employees prepared by the Service Controller for Equal Opportunities (Lygių galimybių kontrolieriaus tarnyba) in association with EFHR were distributed.
Although the society is being informed by the EFHR and Service Controller for Equal Opportunities, the breaches of Equal Opportunity Act (Lygių galimybių įstatymas) and Equal Opportunity For Men and Women Act (Moterų ir vyrų lygių galimybių įstatymas) still take place through specifying sex, age, and family situation requirements in job offers.
Service Controller for Equal Opportunities in the report of 2015 marked EFHR as one of the most active non-governmental organizations that aim at securing equality. During the discussion that took place in Swedbank bank, examples of violating the private life and the protection of personal data were examined, and also good business practices from Lithuania and abroad were presented. One of the introduced initiatives was a project ”Friendly Vilnius” which aims at promoting friendly service and providing help for the visitors in searching for the suitable place according to different categories, such as accessibility for the disabled, knowledge of Russian and Polish languages, etc.
EFHR is a non-governmental organization that does not only provide complimentary legal aid in matters regarding the violation of human rights, but also is an active member of various initiatives — since 2014 EFHR has been a member of Lithuanian Responsible Business Association (LAVA), and this year joined the ”Friendly Vilnius” project.