- 2016/10/03
Series of EFHR trainings in the field of introducing international law have finished

On September 29 at Kazimieras Simonavičius University (Kazimiero Simonavičiaus Universitetas) European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) carried out a second part of training course in the field of introducing international law. Information concerning the first part of a training, related to applying international law and European Union law in the issues concerning discrimination in Lithuania, are available, among others, here.
Training entitled “Freedom of speech: realization and limitations” was conducted by an attorney Evelina Davidavičiūtė. Within the training course were handled following thematic blocks: Freedom of speech –what is it?; The foundations of freedom of speech limitations; The realization of freedom of speech and its restrictions in the European Court of Human Rights practice; The realization of freedom of speech and its restrictions in jurisprudence in Lithuania.
In the training course took part 32 participants, among them, there were employees of the District Court of Vilnius City, the Vilnius Regional Court, the Vilnius Regional Administrative Court, the District Court of Święciński Region, attorneys, attorneys’ helpers and students. All participants received certificates and educational materials.
EFHR want to thank Kazimieras Simonavičius University for making available, free of charge lecture hall. Everyone interested in free of charge training courses conducted by EFHR in a working or learning place can contact us via email (szkolenia@efhr.eu) or by phone (+370 691 50 822). More information about conducted by EFHR away trainings are available here.
See you on next trainings