- 2017/04/13
Continuation of the cooperation of EFHR and UNITED

On days 7-12 of April 2017, in a small Melnik town placed 30km from Prague (Czech Republic), a conference organized by UNITED called ‘Rewind Radicalization – building up strategies against extremism’. Leszek Jankowski was the representative of EFHR and spoke about radicalization process in Lithuania.
One of the biggest problems in Europe is radicalization. Main aim was to meet and formulate a mutual answer of the question what radicalization really is and how to fight it. Attendants had a chance to debate on the question if Europe is radical. The most important part of the conference was discussing deradicalization process by media, education and other ways that have been indicated on the last day of the conference.
Important aspect of these conferences is the fact of meeting representatives of various countries, which allows to start an important cooperation between NGO from various countries.
UNITED is the biggest pan-European anti-racist network. Twice a year in autumn and in spring they organize conferences where anti-racist activists from the whole Europe, enthusiasts of human rights protection meet to discuss new effective forms and methods of fighting racism and discrimination.