- 2017/07/20
The EFHR invites to a discussion on traineeship and volunteering

The European Foundation of Human Rights organizes a discussion for the youth on traineeship and volunteering opportunities. The discussion will take place on Tuesday, 25 July and is entitled “Strategy for the future: how volunteering, traineeship and “Erasmus+” programme cultivate the multicultural generation”. The discussion participants will have a chance to learn directly from representatives of the EFHR and other non-governmental organisations about traineeship and volunteering.
Discussion speakers:
- Agneška Malinauskaitė (EFHR) – “Traineeship and volunteering at the EFHR”
- Tatiana Kováčová (Lithuanian Gay League) – “The EVS and the balance between giving and taking”
- Giordano Campanelli (Lithuanian Gay League) – “The art of communication. How I found my way through the EVS”
- Milda Savickaitė (Vilniaus jaunimo informacijos centras) – “Small steps always lead to the highest peaks”
- Giedrė Valčiukaitė (A.C. Patria projekt „Positive role models“) – “International volunteering – opportunities for a young person”
- Maciej Grześkowiak (EFHR) – “My journey towards social activism”
- Yaprak Boyacıoğlu and Anna Mitrowska (EFHR) – “AIESEC – an alternative form of youth exchange programme”
- David Rodriguez Fernandez (The Šilas Special School) – “My experience as an EVS volunteer at the Šilas school”
The discussion will be carried out in Lithuanian and English. We kindly invite the youth to the discussion, which will take place on 25 July, 4 p.m. at the Vilnius Municipality Youth Information Centre on Konstitucijos 3 pr.