- 2017/10/02
The training about international standards and their implementation took place

On the 28th of September 2017 the first meeting of the training course about “The right to privacy and new technologies – international standards and their implementation” took place at The House of Polish Culture in Vilnius. The training was held in both English and Lithuanian.
The training began with a presentation about European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) presented by Kamila Kocowska, a volunteer from Poland. There was also a short presentation about “Minority Safepack”, which is the new European initiative in Lithuania that is run by EFHR, and it has been presented by Carmen Cara Lorente, the EVS volunteer.
The associate professor of the University of Mykolas Romeris, Mrs Katažyna Mikša spoke about the International legal framework and analyzed some recent case-law of both courts, national and international.
The main topics that has been dealt with the right to be forgotten, data protection, personal privacy and the correct measures adopted with employers.
The training was overall interesting and useful according to the participants, in order to get deep knowledge of the issue discussed at the training, especially for the young lawyers and the numerous students that attended.
In the past, EFHR has organized a number of training courses, during which specialists in the area of international law have shared their experiences and observations with participants. More information about our past courses can be found here.
The next training session concerning the implementation of international law will be organized for November 2017 (we will soon publish details on the EFHR website). If you are interested in participating in this training course or you would like to ask EFHR about conducting a similar session at your place of study or employment, please contact us by sending an email to mokymai@efhr.eu.