- 2017/10/06
The training for teachers on „ Language as a factor that shapes identity”

The training for teachers entitled “Language as a factor that shapes identity” was held on the 30 September of The House of Polish Culture in Vilnius.
The training began with Agnieszka Malinauskaitė performance. She spoke of European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) activities. Next, Kamila Kocowska a trainee, presented rules of participation in both social studies contest (WOS 2017) and painting contest entitled “ Gender equality” which is organised for students of classes 5-8.
Main part of training course was conducted by linguistic expert, researcher of polish language in Lithuania, PhD Krystyna Rutkowska. Within this part of training course were handled following topics: national identity and civic attitude regarding multi-ethnic and multicultural society; language identity; modern form of polish language; ethnicity towards multi-cultural society.
All participants received certificates of participation.
EFHR want to sincerely thank PhD Krystyna Rutkowska for reporting the most up-to-date information about how language effect on culture identity. The training course was part of 5th edition of “Europeans, Polish, Citizens” project. To learn more about project please consult our webpage here. Teachers interested in joining our project may call us: +370 691 50 822 orˇcontact via email: wos@efhr.eu or szkolenia@efhr.eu.
Rehabilitation Clinic in Krojanty as a sponsor provides prize for teachers.
The official media patronage was provided by the daily newspaper “Kurier Wileński”, “Wilnoteka” and a radio station “Znad Wilii”.