- 2018/03/20
Support EFHR – assign 2% of your income tax
The European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) is actively acting towards human rights for over 7 years. In 2017 we organized a lot of trainings for school pupils, students and others, who are interested in human rights.
We are continuously working towards prevention of hate speech by developing social consciousness, we actively monitor the cyberspace and report hate speech. We have filed 600 motions with the prosecutors office and we won 50 cases.
Since 2015 we offer an out of charge legal aid to people who apply for original spelling of their name and surname. We have won 35 cases, where court obliged to release documents containing w, x or q.
By cooperating with Lithuanian Equal Opportunities Ombudsman’s office, we fight discriminating job offers and translate Vilnius City Municipality’s website to polish.
It is all thanks to you!
Each year, until the 2nd of May everyone declaring their domicile in Lithuania is able to support chosen organization by assigning 2% of their income tax. EFHR is very grateful, if you support our foundation. Thanks to your support, we will be able to help all, who are in need.
- Log in to Electronic Declaration System (EDS).
- In the upper horizontal EDS menu, select „Deklaracijos“, then in the left vertical menu „Fill in the form“. Find „VMI Deklaracijos“ and choose „Prisijungti prie EDS“.
- Select „Prašymas skirti paramą“.
- Fill in the form FR0512 v. 3 directly in the EDS website.
- In the form fill in the personal data and the following fields – (!) are required:
(!) Tax period – 2017
(!) 6S I allocate the tax to the beneficiaries – ✔
(!) E1 Beneficiary type – 2 [Beneficiary]
(!) E2 Recipient Identification Number (code) – 302562592
(!) E3 The purpose – EFHR VEIKLA
(!) E4 The amount of the tax (in percentage) – up to 2.00
E5 I will pay the tax amount up to the tax period – by 2021 at the latest [to be completed only if the donation is intended for more than 1 year]
If you would like to allocate 2% using VMI mobile app:
- Download the VMI application from the App Store or Google Play.
- Select the EDS Declarations and log in.
- Click „Paramos skyrimas“ and „Pildyti naują“.
- Fill out the support boxes according to the data above.
If you would like to submit an paper application, print out the form, write down your personal data and submit it to your local VMI or send it by post to the Department of Declaration VMI.
You can support EFHR by DONATING
Receiver: VšĮ „Europos žmogaus teisių fondas”
Company code: 302562592
Payment purpose: Parama
Bank account number: LT38 7300 0101 2476 8047
Bank: AB Swedbank
Address: Kęstučio g. 65/40, Vilnius, Lietuva
Thank you!
Always at your service – EFHR team