- 2018/04/23
The EFHR attends a training course as volunteering coordinating organization within Erasmus

During the days 16th-21st April the lawyer of the European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) Lešek Jankovskij, attended a training course about volunteering coordinating organizations within Erasmus. The training took place in Vilnius, Lithuania and was organized by the Lithuanian National Agency and founded by Erasmus+. The attendees were representatives of organizations from different countries that have an advanced level of experience in implementing volunteering Erasmus projects.
The aim of this training course was to develop the capacities of experienced and accredited coordinating organizations and to enhance the quality of volunteering Erasmus projects’ coordination. The EFHR and the other organizations had the chance to cover topics such as networking at local level, to learn more about the new European Solidarity Corps programme. The participants shared their experiences as coordinating organizations in order to improve their knowledge on coordination of Erasmus volunteering projects and their impact.
The EFHR considered that this training course was really fruitful for enhancing its coordinating abilities for further Erasmus projects. The aim of the training was completed successfully. The EFHR has a wide experience in coordinating Erasmus projects as it has been accredited organization since 2014. The EFHR considers that this experience has been really important in order to continue its role as coordinating organization and for being updated for upcoming Erasmus programme (the new European Solidarity Corps) and their challenges