- 2018/09/25
EFHR would like to invite you to a conference “Legal regulation on national minorities – theory and practice”

The European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) is organising an international conference “Legal regulation for national minorities – theory and practice” which will take place on 29th of October, 2018. During the conference EFHR insights on situation of national minorities will be presented and speakers will be able to share with the good practices and examples of other countries.
The topics will be presented by the following speakers: Ewelina Dobrowolska, lawyer of the European Foundation of Human Rights; dr Ljubica Djordjevic, European Centre for Minority Issues; dr. Fernand De Varennes, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues; the National Minorities Department; Anton Thomsen, Political Adviser of OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities; Aleksander Radczenko, legal consultant, blogger, a Board member of the Polish Discussion Club; dr Katarzyna Miksza, associate professor at the Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius, Karolis Dambrauskas, PhD student and junior researcher at the Institute for Ethnic Studies of Lithuanian Social Research Centre and dr Łukasz Wardyn, expert in minority rights.
The main topics that will be presented are as follows: drafting of national legislation on minority rights; UN Special Rapporteur on minority issues: authority and activities; surname writing issues in the latest practice of international courts; rights and responsibilities of national minorities; national minority rights in the Lithuanian Legal acts, etc.
State institutions employees, scientists, persons employed at human right protection sector, representatives of NGO sector, lawyers, and general public are welcome to take part in open discussion.
If you wish to attend the conference, register yourself via e-mail mokymai@efhr.eu, by telephone +370 691 50 822 or by filling in the form https://goo.gl/Ja4nvS till 26 October. Registration is mandatory due to the limited number of participants.
The Conference will be held on 29 October in the Chamber meeting room No 2001 (20 floor) of Vilnius city municipality building at Konstitucijos ave. 3. Beginning at 11:00 a.m. Registration of participants begins at 10:40 a.m. Reports will be presented in Lithuanian and English. Simultaneous translation will be provided. The program will soon be available on EFHR webpage www.efhr.eu.