- 2018/12/05
Lecture on human rights at Vilnius Salininkai gymnasium

On Monday, December 3rd of 2018 representatives of the European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) visited the Vilnius Salininkai gymnasium, where they delivered a lecture to pupils from 7 to 11 grades and their teachers on human rights and hate speech.
Foundation’s lawyer Monika Guliakaitė briefly outlined the activities of the Foundation, key areas for action and opportunities to contribute to reduce hate speech. Attorney’s assistant Evelina Dobrovolska continued the lecture by introducing students to the concept of discrimination by describing its manifestations in Lithuania as well as presenting practical examples. Another part of the lecture was dedicated to hates speech – the concept, legal regulation and advice how to identify it. Examples of hate speech comments for which individuals were prosecuted were also examined. Students were also encouraged to contribute to the creation of a safer Internet environment and to respond to the visible manifestations of cyberbullying on social media sites.
EFHR wants to sincerely thank the school for the invitation. Anyone interested in free courses provided by EFHR at a workplace or in an educational institution, please contact us by email (mokymai@efhr.eu) or by phone (+370 691 50 822).
You can find more about our trainings here.