- 2019/01/23
Lecture on hate speech at John Paul II gymnasium

Lawyers of the European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) were invited to give a lecture to the students of John Paul II gymnasium on Wednesday, January 23rd of 2019 about human rights and hate speech on the Internet.
They tackled the general fields and areas of the Foundation’s work regarding human rights and hate speech, followed by a presentation introducing the students to the application of hate crime and hate speech concepts within legal framework, policy and practice as well as identification and prosecution of hate speech on the Internet. As hate speech incidents, particularly those committed online, are on the rise in worldwide, students were also encouraged to contribute to the creation of a safer Internet environment and improve the support for victims of hate speech through mutual learning, and exchange of knowledge.
EFHR wants to sincerely thank the school for the invitation. Anyone interested in free courses provided by EFHR at a workplace or in an educational institution, please contact us by email (mokymai@efhr.eu) or by phone (+370 691 50 822).
You can find more about our trainings here.