- 2013/10/02
New EFHR trainee

Irena Klimowa, a new trainee at the European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR), comes from Moldova and is currently doing a Ph.D. at the Institute of Political Science of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. She has been long interested in questions such as nationalism, multiculturalism, models of immigrant integration, and gender studies. She is also very familiar with the issue of human rights and rights of national minorities.
Irena’s internship at the EFHR is within the framework of the Erasmus Programme, which offers grants to students doing internship in foreign European countries. She has already been to Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, Estonia, Slovenia and Italy. However, she claims that it is the spell at the EFHR that will really enable her to put all her knowledge into practice. Irena feels confident that this internship will give her a valuable experience, which will stand her in good stead in the future. She said: „The internship with the Foundation is both a major challenge, and a major responsibility. But it also a great opportunity to work on exciting projects which will hopefully bring satisfaction and many benefits to the society.”
Translated by Natalia Kosecka within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.