- 2013/11/13
Lectures on human rights being continued at schools

Between 11th and 13th November 2013 on the initiative of European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) next series of lectures on human rights issues took place. This time the lectures were given by two experts on human rights, namely PhD Laura Koba and professor Wiesław Wacławczyk.
The lectures were addressed to the children from primary schools and students of high schools from Vilnius Region. This time the lecturers together with the EFHR’s representatives visited St. U. Ledóchowska high school in Czarny Bór, high school in Awiżenie, S. Kostek high school in Podbrzezie, M. Zdziechowski primary school in Suderwa, R. Kalinowski lower secondary school in Niemież, Priest J. Obrembski high school in Mejszagoła, J. Słowacki high school in Bezdany and an orphanage in Podbrodzie.
The lectures covered such topics as children’s rights, personal and private rights, generation and history of human rights within centuries. The students as well as the headmasters took part in the lectures willingly, they listened carefully and took part in a discussion. All the participants of the lectures learned about the EFHR’s work and that the Foundation’s aim is to educate citizens in the field of human rights. The schools’ headmasters were given information materials covering the issues of human rights and European Union.
The students were encouraged to take part in the innovative project of EFHR – “Europeans, Polish, Citizens” and its aim is to introduce a progressive method of teaching the social studies. For twelve weeks in the Friday’s edition of “Kurier Wileński” the articles about social studies have been published. On every Wednesday at 17.40 these topics will be touched upon on air on the radio “Znad Wilii”. After finishing the course student will take the test via the Internet and will have a chance to win a tablet, mobile phone, iPod and other prizes. Everybody will be awarded with a diploma.
Apart from that, for the children of 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th form, a contest was made up, namely “How do you understand human rights?”. Thanks to the contest children will have a chance to study on their own and look for the information about human rights and win valuable prizes. More information about the contest and its regulations can be found at the foundation’s website www.efhr.eu.
EFHR wants to thank everyone for taking part in the lectures and for help. Special thanks to the schools’ directors who enabled us to carry out the lectures. We are glad about these successful meetings and we invite you to take part in the next project!
Please contact EFHR if you are interested in the lectures or cooperation.
Tłumaczenie by Elżbieta Szafarz w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Elżbieta Szafarz within the framework of a traineeship programme of the