- 2014/02/25
EFHR at the “We Together” charity concert

The charity concert „We Together” took place on 23rd February at the House of Polish Culture. A lot of national minority bands performed at the concert, inter alia Polski Zespół Pieśni “Tumelianka” (Polish Band of Songs “Tumelianka”), Rosyjski Zespół Folklorystyczny “Bylina” (Russian Folkloristic Band “Bylina”), Białoruski Zepsół Folklorystyczny “Switanak” (Belorussian Folkloristic Band “Switanak”) and many more.
EFHR took the opportunity to reach out to a substantial number of representatives of national minorities and organised the trip to the House of Polish Culture. The trip was prepared in order to let the participants know about EFHR and its activities and to inform them about human rights and discrimination, as well as answer questions related to legal issues.
A considerable number of people visited the EFHR stand. There were not only Vilnius residents but also some foreign guests. The youths were mostly interested in learning more about the voluntary service and EFHR internships but they were also surprised that the organization prepared so many educational leaflets and made them accessible for free. The Council of Europe brochures, titled “Rights and Freedoms in practice” and “47 countries and one organization… Council of Europe” (available in both Polish and Lithuanian) were prepared by EFHR.
The EFHR representatives encouraged participants to show interest in matters connected with the membership of Lithuania in the European Union (EU) and Council of Europe (CoE). What’s more, they also raised awareness of the newest law-related information which can be found on our website: EFHR – www.efhr.eu – along with articles on cases/won cases connected with human rights issues, campaigns, EU, CoE brochures and EFHR leaflets to download.
EFHR is glad that it had the opportunity to present its activities to the representatives of national minorities in Lithuania. EFHR is planning to organize more such trips because people are showing a genuine interest and willingness to participate in events like this.
See you next time!