- 2014/06/02
EFHR invites you to enter our short stories competition!

The IEMed and the Anna Lindh Foundation have launched a call for participation in the seventh edition of the international literary competition of short stories and tales “Sea of Words”, aimed at young people from the 43 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean area. The ‘Sea of Words’ Literary Competition focuses on cross-cultural understanding through the promotion of short stories.
This year, the competition is aimed at producing stories or short stories focused on the fight against racist and discriminatory speech online, which falls into the framework of the Council of Europe campaign “Young People Combating Hate Speech Online”.
The competition is aimed at young people between 18 and 30 years, citizens of one of the 43 Euro-Mediterranean countries. The stories cannot exceed the maximum length of 2,500 words and can be written in any of the official languages of the participating countries. They must be original and wholly unpublished works. All the short stories must be sent to the following e-mail address: concurso@iemed.org. The deadline is June 15, 2014. More information can be found here. The European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) is also actively promoting the “Non-hate speech” campaign and encourages you to participate in the competition and to share your story with the world!