- 2014/10/01
Polish media in English – we have already translated over 2000 articles!

We are extremely pleased to inform you that on the European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) website there are already 2000 articles translated into English. These articles are concerned with the current and most relevant events taking place in Lithuania as well as with the life of national minorities living there. Articles originate from Polish printed media (Kurier Wileński), Internet portals such as Wilnoteka, L24.lt orZnad Wilii and, from the Polish version of the Delfi portal. The articles are available at: http://media.efhr.eu/.
The aim of EFHR’s initiative regarding translating various texts into English was the urge to disseminate information about the social, cultural and political life of national minorities in Lithuania among foreigners and other people who speak neither Polish nor Lithuanian.
From now on, people visiting EFHR’s website (www.efhr.eu), run in Polish, Lithuanian, Russian and English, can easily get to know more not only about our activities, human rights and relevant institutions of this region, but also about current information from the Polish media in Lithuania.
This milestone of success was reached thanks to the involvement of our trainees. EFHR would like to express its gratitude to all trainees who are or were engaged in the implementation of this important project.
Everyone sharing EFHR’s objectives is welcome to join us and cooperate with us. We invite people looking to complete a traineeship at EFHR (more information) and media wanting to have their articles translated into English.