- 2015/02/09
EFHR has a new volunteer

Filip Król is an M.A. student of International Relations at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Filip has many interests, particularly issues related to national minorities in Eastern Europe.
Filip’s dream is to find the factors influencing the perception of cultural diversity in societies of Eastern Europe. As an idealist, he believes that all tensions between societies are an outcome of lack of understanding, but these can be effectively overcome. His month-long voluntary service in the foundation is a great opportunity for him to learn about national minorities and connected problems in Lithuania. It also presents a possibility to develop his interests by working for the local community. When asked why he has chosen EFHR, Filip said: “Because working in such an active organization in Lithuania gives me a chance to really influence the community in Vilnius which is so diverse and, as a result, very interesting”.
Filip is very keen on travelling and tries to reach the heart of any place he visits, no matter the difficulties he may encounter.