- 2015/11/16
“Human rights in children’s lives” – Art Competition

In celebration of Universal Children’s Day on 20th November, the European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) would like to announce a creative art competition entitled “Human rights in children’s lives” and aimed at 5th-8th grade students.
We are pleased to inform you that the competition is under the honorary patronage of Mr. Marek Michalak, the Ombudsman for Children. According to Mr Michalak, children should become familiar with their rights, and adults ought to remember that their own rights are not in contrast to those of children, but that both sets of rights complement each other.
The theme of the competition is “Human rights in children’s lives”. Just use your imagination and show your creativity for the chance to win some amazing prizes! The theme of your entry should cover a chosen aspect of children’s rights.
The objectives of the competition are:
- The promotion of the rights protected by the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, Convention on the Right of Child;
- The promotion of the rights and freedoms protected by the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms;
- The popularization of human and children’s rights issues among students;
- The spreading of knowledge regarding human, children’s, and students’ rights;
- The promotion and popularization of knowledge of civil rights.
We kindly invite students to create their works using the following artistic techniques: pastels, paint, tempera, pens/felt-tips, pencils, crayons, graphic, collage, or charcoal.
Remember – your only limitation is your own imagination!
Each participant can only submit one work – and this work should be your own. Entries must be submitted by 11th December 2015.
The prizes for the best works are: a tablet (1st prize), iPod (2nd prize), and games console (3rd prize). Those who receive honourable mentions will be given small prizes and educational materials.
You can find information about last year’s competition here.
The submission of works:
Each entry should have information on the back which includes:
1) The participant’s name,
2) The participant’s age and grade,
3) The name of the school attended by the participant,
4) Contact details (email/telephone number – of the participant, parent or school teacher).
Please send all entries by post to the EFHR address (Europos žmogaus teisių fondas, Liepkalnio g.103, Vilnius LT-02121) or bring them directly to the foundation headquarters.
The exhibition of works, as well as the announcement of the winners and award presentation will take place during a formal gala marking the end of the competition as well as the “Europeans, Poles, Citizens” project, to be held on 19th December 2015 at the EFHR headquarters (Liepkalno 103).
We encourage you to take part in the competition and look forward to seeing your works!