- 2017/01/10
Increase of the criminal liability for discrimination in the workplace

Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson announces that the Code of Administrative Offences entering into force starting from January 1st this year replaces the Administrative Delinquency Code. In the new code the amount of the penalties for violations of the principle of equal rights for women and men and equality of opportunity has been increased.
In the new code the penalty imposed on directors of legal entities, employers and other people responsible for the violation of the principle of equal rights for women and men and equality of opportunity amounts from 40 to 560 EUR and in case of the second time of violation – from 560 to 1200 EUR.
European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR) points out that the formerly binding code was providing a penalty from 28 to 579 EUR and in case of the second time of violation from 579 to 1185 EUR.
The Foundation has already been monitoring the electronic space for three past years. If any sign of the discrimination is present in an announcement, it refers a complaint to the Office. In 2016, EFHR submitted 22 complaints, 17 of which concerning discriminatory selection criteria such as age or sex.
EFHR provides complimentary legal aid for people affected by such discrimination and it organises free trainings concerning human rights and equality. Last year, the Foundation had organised a training for employees of the company “Pakmarkas” and members of the Lithuanian Association of Responsible Business (LAVA), residents and workers of the Elderly nursing home in Kaunas and for parents of the children attending the primary school in Kyviskes in the Vilnius District.
We are really happy that the leaflet made in cooperation with the Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson reaches an increasing number of people and it contributes to the emergence of an aware and more tolerant society.